suitable for those who accompany family members in hospital for orthopedic hospital admissions in Milan, Lombardy.
Do you have these requirements for a Galeazzi residence in Milan? find out how the RESIDENCE MILANO CHS hotel is convenient anyclose to the hospital.
The orthopedic hospital in Milan and Lombardy is suitable for medical and surgical specialties in support of orthopedic activities.
Do you have ORTHOPEDIC? RESIDENCE GALEAZZI MILANO offers apartments with specific facilities for Milan’s hospitals.
CHS residence Milan, is the accommodation closest to the institute’s rooms.
The residence offers DEDICATED ADVANCES to all Milanese hospitals, also applicable to the accompanying patients in care at the GALEAZZI.
Contact us to know the details AGEVOLAZIONI helped to the escorts of the students of the institute.

The hospital 50 meters from the apartment has surgical teams in the following disciplines:
- maxillo-facial surgery,
- Neurosurgery, Neurology,
- Endocrinology,
- Otorhinolaryngology and Dentistry,
- Rheumatology,
- Vascular surgery,
- Plastic surgery,
- Dermatology,
- Physical Medicine,
- Endocrinology.
The Milan Hospital near the RESIDENCE is the seat of the Laurea di Corso di Medicina e Surgery in collaboration with the University of Milan and has initiated an agreement with the Department of Bioengineering of the Politecnico di Milano.